Secure online giving is a safe and easy way to help move Our Saviour's mission and ministry forward. Scroll below for links to donate to Our Saviour's Church, Lutheran Social Services of IL, Lutheran Disaster Response, Loaves & Fishes, and DuPage Pads. 

If you need any help with online giving, feel free to reach out to Accounting Manager Kathy Clolinger at

Our Saviour's lutheran Church

The ministry of Our Saviour's Lutheran Church continues to flourish due to the continued generous support of people like you.

Our Saviour's appreciates your continued financial support of our mission to Know Jesus and Make Jesus Known. We appreciate the many ways in which you reflect Christ's presence and allow Our Saviour's to continue supporting its ministries. Online giving can be processed securely below.

ca wildfire relief - lUTHERAN dISASTER rESPONSE

Multiple wildfires have broken out across Los Angeles County in California, with tens of thousands of people under evacuation orders. Sparked by dry conditions, strong winds and a limited water supply, these fires have destroyed homes and businesses and have led to injuries and loss of life. Lutheran Disaster Response is coordinating with the Southwest California Synod, Pacifica Synod and other partners to assess the needs of people impacted by the wildfires. We will work with them to provide for immediate needs and recovery amid the widespread destruction. Lutheran Disaster Response is committed to accompanying recovering communities for months and years to come.

Your gifts to Lutheran Disaster Response equip us to respond to communities affected by wildfires and related disasters. These gifts also empower us to respond to disasters whenever and wherever they strike. Gifts to "U.S. Wildfires" will be used in full (100%) to assist those affected by wildfires until the response is complete.

our saviour's campus main-floor refresh project

Recently, the congregation voted to move forward with a design refresh project for the main floor of the Our Saviour’s Campus, with a fundraising goal of up to $1.2 million. Our aim is to begin work when 100% of the funds have been committed and 80% have been received. Once these milestones are reached, the design team will collaborate with an architectural firm to implement enhancements such as new flooring, improved acoustics and energy-efficient lighting in our gathering spaces.

We invite you to prayerfully consider making a donation to support the revitalization of the main floor of the Our Saviour’s building. Every contribution, regardless of size, is vital and is deeply appreciated. Should you have any questions about the project, members of our stewardship and endowment teams would be happy to answer them.

There are multiple options for supporting this project:

Print THIS FORM and bring or mail it to church

Set up a recurring gift online HERE.

Make a one-time donation online HERE.

Reconciling Works

Our Saviour's Lutheran Church voted in June 2024 to become a Reconciling in Christ-designated congregation. While no monies from the church operating budget will be designated for ReconcilingWorks, the host organization of the Reconciling in Christ program, those who wish to be part of a free-will contribution from Our Saviour's to ReconcilingWorks to help other churches on their RIC journey can do so by donating through Realm HERE.

Lutheran social services of il

Consider a gift to Lutheran Social Services of IL through Our Saviour's Church. Lutheran Social Services of Illinois (LSSI) is a nonprofit social service organization of the three Illinois synods of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). LSSI is the largest statewide social service provider, serving almost 50,000 people across Illinois last year. The organization provides critical programs for the state’s most vulnerable residents including foster care, mental health services, alcohol and drug treatment, home care for seniors, affordable senior housing, residential programs for people with developmental disabilities, and programs that help formerly incarcerated individuals integrate back into society. This donation link allows you to donate to Lutheran Social Services of IL through Realm at Our Saviour's Church. To learn more about LSSI click here.

Loaves & Fishes

Loaves & Fishes has served our community since 1984. The vision of Loaves & Fishes is to end hunger and transform lives in Naperville and DuPage County. It's mission is to provide food and leadership in the community by uniting and mobilizing resources to empower people to be self-sufficient.

Community, compassion, dignity, hope, and service are the core values of Loaves & Fishes, and are incorporated into all aspects of the organization. Client-families have access to healthy food options, as well as resources designed to encourage them toward independence. Services include Car Donation, Computer Training, Drop-in Health Clinic, English Language Acquisition Class, Emergency Financial Assistance, Emotional Support, Job Search Assistance, Legal Support, Money Education, Moving Up, Public Benefit Assistance, Resource Meetings, and Volunteer Income Tax Assistance. This donation link allows you to donate to Loaves & Fishes through Realm at Our Saviour's Church. To learn more about Loaves & Fishes click here