SHINE: Share, inspire, engage

SHINE is Our Saviour's monthly, stories-focused publication, where we highlight the work of OSLC's many ministries and mission teams and shine a spotlight on how members of the Our Saviour's family are working to Know Jesus and Make Jesus Known.

SHINE is published the first Friday of every month; printed copies are available at both campuses, and a digital version can be downloaded from our News & Events page or by clicking the image at left. 

Below, browse a selection of stories recently featured in SHINE. Happy reading!

reconciling in christ (ric) weekend 2025

Reconciling in Christ Sunday, observed the last Sunday in January, offers the opportunity for RIC faith communities to honor and celebrate the ongoing work of welcome, inclusion, celebration and advocacy for LGBTQIA+ people in the life of the church.

This year's theme is "Resilient Community," calling attention to how community bonds and relationships sustain the individual members of the community and how when we work together for justice, communities are stronger.

In an interview with SHINE, Vicar Emily shared more about what’s in store for RIC Weekend, the work of OSLC’s RIC in Action team and what’s next in the work of reconciliation and welcome at Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church.

Vicar Emily, can you share a little more about RIC Weekend?

All churches that are designated as RIC partners through ReconcilingWorks are encouraged to celebrate RIC Weekend. It’s a cool time to be church together. One of the things that we’re going to spend time talking and thinking about for RIC Weekend this year is the history of Our Saviour’s and the ways we have been welcoming people for the past 70 years. We didn’t just become welcoming people this past June; we’ve been welcoming this whole time.

This also is a great opportunity to look at our welcome statement, look at our mission partners, look at the community that we serve and see how we can be intentionally welcoming to all groups of people. What are the groups that we’re not serving as much? How do we fill those gaps?

With our RIC status and our welcome statement, now that there is so much clarity about who we are and whose we are and how we are Jesus people in the world, we can really run full force in the direction of bringing Christ’s love and liberation to people throughout the community.

We’ve always been people who advocate for those facing a wide variety of issues, including socioeconomic issues and immigration issues. Look at our history with Loaves & Fishes, for example. What if we developed a community partnership like that with another piece of our welcome statement?

What is Our Saviour’s RIC in Action team?

RIC in Action is an offshoot of Just Love, which is working on different areas of opportunity for our church–fostering intergenerational connection, for example. The RIC in Action team, which meets monthly, is focused on how we live out our welcome statement. They are doing things like engaging in conversations with other churches that have a history of being RIC for a decade or more to see what they’re doing and how they got to where they are. We’ve also been in conversation with other welcoming churches in the area, such as Community United Methodist Church, that have been doing excellent advocacy work for years. How might we be in partnership with them?

The RIC in Action team is developing a strategic plan for the next five years to help figure out, if we dream really big, where can we go?

mission spotlight: mozambique mission

The history of Our Saviour’s Mozambique Mission dates back more than 12 years, following the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Mozambique’s founding of a school for students whose families were refugees from Zimbabwe. Because Zimbabwean students spoke English and Mozambique schools conducted classes in Portuguese, a language barrier prevented refugee students from being able to attend regular schools in their new home.

The Aka Power School for Zimbabwean refugees in Chimoio addressed that urgent need. While space for the school was provided by the local Lutheran church, the school receives no government funding—not for rent, for supplies or for teacher salaries. Contributions from OSLC are a critical part of filling this gap.

Every Mozambique Mission pie purchased and every ticket bought for favorite annual events such as the Family Fun Hot Wheels Event (happening Jan. 11) and the Sweetheart Dance (Feb. 8) helps provide vital support for children and families in need in Mozambique. Proceeds from these fundraisers help fund the purchase of e’Pap nutrition packets, school supplies and more.

Aka Power School (the name means “the power to create through words”) has more than 350 students enrolled in preschool through 9th grade. Students are taught in both English and Portuguese; many teachers work on a volunteer or semi-volunteer basis.

This February, Pastor Newton Matienga, who serves as school principal, and his wife, Gertrude Matienga, a credentialed teacher who has taught preschool and kindergarten on an unpaid basis since the school’s opening, will visit Our Saviour’s and be special guests at the 2025 Mozambique Dinner, happening Saturday, Feb. 22, at 6 p.m. at Celebration Campus.

Dinner attendees will have the opportunity to hear from Pastor Newton and Gertrude about the work of the school and the wider Vida Humana mission, which provides healthcare and education services to those in and around Chimoio. More details and tickets are coming soon! Interested in learning more or getting involved? Contact Susan Ferguson at

a music-storage makeover

With a host of musical ensembles rehearsing and performing at the Our Saviour’s Campus, from Sanctuary Choir and the Women’s Chorale to Bach Ringers, Cantata choir and more, the OS building stores a lot of sheet music—a lot.

Over the years, it hasn’t been the easiest process to find copies of all of that music or to know whether a specific piece or arrangement has been performed. Enter a team of dedicated OSLC volunteers.

Filling the Gaps

First, relates music director Rick Sowers, Linda Sosnowski “took on the task of creating a database of all the music we have.” With most of the library of choral and handbell music now catalogued, the project should be complete later this year.

Explains Rick: “Our Saviour’s choral music was stored in the manner that was common many years ago—alphabetical order by title. This created a challenge of running out of space in each drawer as the collection grew. Now, the plan is to move the choral music to a new space where the music will be stored using a file number unique to each piece, which will make it easy to locate using the database. Part of the process also will include deleting music that is not likely to be used again.”

The former choir robe room, located adjacent to Luther Court, was decided as the new home for all of Our Saviour’s sheet music.

DIY Team to the Rescue

Members of Our Saviour’s long-serving, dedicated DIY team, as well as Sanctuary Choir members (including some who are members of both!) worked over several weeks this fall to prepare the space and assemble and secure shelving (see photo).

“This was a great DIY Team project, with a clear and defined need,” says team member Lee Thomsen. “Mission, friendship and teamwork are what motivate us. We’re excited to see this music shelving filled up.”

The project, expected to be complete by late summer, also will see handbell and instrumental music relocated to wooden file drawers in the Bach Room, with metal file cabinets eliminated to make room for music stands and other equipment.

staff spotlight: meet the engagement team

This month: Meet the engagement team! The engagement team is led by Pastor Elisabeth, with Diane Griesbach and Debbie Montrose (both of whom you’ll find in our front office) supporting. Diane serves as Our Saviour’s life events coordinator, working with families to plan baptisms, weddings and funerals. Debbie, Our Saviour’s volunteer and care coordinator, organizes outreach to those in need of care, prayer and support (as through prayer shawls and meal trains) and manages hospitality at worship as well as the congregational prayer list.

What sets your heart on fire for your work at Our Saviour's?

“Baptisms and weddings often mark the beginning of a family's journey to becoming new members of our church. It's just one way we help them Know Jesus and Make Jesus Known. The death of a family member, however, can be difficult and overwhelming. Together, the Our Saviour's team walks with families and helps them plan a funeral service that honors their loved one. When the service is over, I can see that the Holy Spirit has lifted a weight from their shoulders! This sets my heart on fire.”

-Diane Griesbach, life events coordinator

“What sets my heart on fire: 1) When people respond to how much God loves them by serving, connecting and engaging in the ministry of OSLC! 2) Hugs before or after worship. 3) Baptism. I LOVE BAPTISMS! The moment when the congregation declares, “Welcome to the family!” always makes me smile. 4) Visiting folks to share stories and remind one another that God calls us beloved. 5) Living into our Welcome Statement and seeing how God is inviting us into deeper love, inclusion & service.”

-Pastor Elisabeth Pynn Himmelman

I truly enjoy meeting and engaging with people and helping them find their joy at Our Saviour's. It's a wonderful feeling when you find the right fit for someone who is searching or waiting to be invited. Over my 14 years of working here, I've enjoyed meeting many, and I am happy to help set your heart on fire with the opportunity that's right for you. Ready, set, let's connect!”

-Debbie Montrose, volunteer and care coordinator