There aren’t many volunteer opportunities where 6-year-olds, 16-year-olds and 60-year-olds all can get in on the action, but Feed the Need—happening at Benedictine University in Lisle March 8-9—is a notable, fun and energetic exception.
“We’ve definitely danced and sang” at the annual event, where volunteers of all ages work together to pack specially formulated meals for Feed My Starving Children, says OSLC member BJ Okel. BJ and his wife, Kelly, have participated for several years along with their children Allison, 9, and Elijah, 15.
“We have a lot of difficulty finding an activity for our whole family, and really it has been one of those things that we can do,” says Kelly. “It's something that no matter what your ability level is, you still can help and support—you’re making a difference.”
Feed the Need welcomes volunteers ages 5+ to participate in a two-hour packing shift. Younger participants can help scoop vitamins, vegetables, soy or rice into FMSC’s MannaPack meal bags; older volunteers can heat-seal the bags or go from packing station to packing station refilling ingredients and removing boxes once they’re filled.
Feed the Need’s goal this year, as in 2024, is to pack more than 800,000 meals for children facing hunger all over the world and to raise donations to cover the costs of the meals. Each meal costs less than $0.30 to produce, and despite challenges that FMSC partners face in the countries they serve (including, sometimes, armed conflicts as well as logistical hurdles), 99% of meals shipped make it to their intended recipients.
Did you know? Our Saviour’s co-founded Feed the Need Illinois in 2012 with other area churches and has consistently provided more than 200 volunteers each year for the event. OSLC’s Feed the Need team, headed by Les May, Ken Votava and Mike Etter, invite families and individuals of all ages to sign up to be part of this whole-community effort to feed kids around the world! Advance registration is required; sign up at