Prayer & Care MInistry

Prayer and Care Ministries are tangible reminders of God’s presence in all circumstances, and outward signs of God’s love for all.

Worship prayers: When the church gathers, we pray for the needs of the world, for the church, for creation and for healing. 

Prayer chain: A weekly list emailed to those who sign up to receive a list of names to be prayed for and over. The list is confidential and includes names only of those requesting (or their loved ones) to be included. 

Prayer Wall: A place to write down prayers at both campuses and serve as a physical place to offer your prayers to God. Prayers are not read, but collected and burned on occasion during or after worship, with the prayers “rising up like incense before God” (Psalm 141:2).

Prayer ministers: Prayer ministers serve as intercessors, offering individual prayer in our worship services during Holy Communion. Trusting in the power of the Holy Spirit, their primary responsibility is to pray for those seeking prayer for a specific need, for comfort, for healing, for a celebration, or for a moment of deeper connection with God.

Prayer shawls: Shawls are knit and crocheted with love and prayer by Our Saviour’s crafters for anyone in need of a physical reminder of being wrapped in the prayers of this community and of God’s unfailing love. 

Prayers for when… 

Sometimes we don’t have the words to pray. A few places to start: 

Hospital visitation: Central to the call of pastors to the congregation and can be made anytime it is needed. Please contact the church office to let us know that you or your loved one is hospitalized.

Home visitation: “Friends Visiting Friends” is a volunteer visitation ministry in which a volunteer visits on a regular basis, brings communion, sends cards and makes phone calls to their “friend(s).”

"Grieving Room" book study and grief group: Meeting monthly on Sunday nights from August 2024 – February 2025 to read, discuss, reflect and pray on two chapters from “Grieving Room.” For more information, please contact Pastor Elisabeth. 

Meal train: When major life events happen, OSLC will gladly coordinate a meal train for you to provide meals from the congregation and community. 

In need of prayer or care? 

To receive prayer or offer to pray, click HERE.

If this is an emergency, please call the Pastoral Care Emergency Line at 331-305-4381. 

Looking to connect to prayer and care ministry? 

Please contact Debbie Montrose in the church office to get connected!