Our Saviour's Library

The Our Saviour’s Library is a wonderful resource for families and individuals to utilize, located to the left of Luther Court at the Our Saviour’s Campus. It has been a excellent asset for the congregation since 1960. To learn more about the history of the library click here.

The Library houses books, periodicals, and other resource materials on religious and secular subjects including popular children’s books. Our Saviour’s recently added an online library catalog that can be found here. More details on how to search for books can be found below.

When is the library open?

The library is open when the Our Saviour’s campus is open.

What is the checkout procedure?

Each item will have a check out card and pocket on the inside cover of the material. To check out a material please write your full name (first and last name) and phone number on the checkout card and place it in the pale green and floral checkout box on the counter.

If an item does not have a check out card and pocket that means it is reference material. Reference materials are intended to remain in the library. If you are a group leader needing a reference material please contact info@oursaviours.com.

How long can materials remain checked out?

All books may be checked out for three (3) weeks, and are renewable. DVDs unless otherwise indicated may be checked out for seven (7) days.

How to use the Our Saviour’s Online Library Catalog

Recently Our Saviour’s added an online library catalog that will allow patrons to do the following:

  1. Search all the materials housed in the Our Saviour’s Library to see if they carry a particular title or author (this database will not tell you if the material is already checked out since this process is currently manual). Searching is done by entering: Keyword, Author, Title or Subject in the Search field. The drop down arrow will give you the choice. A positive result will come up, or “no items found for your search”. Click on the Title to bring up more information about the item. You may find additional information by using the List or Grid box to the right of the screen. (Ex. Call #, location, description, and subjects). Once you have located the items you are looking for you may: Select the items and add them to the Book Bin and print (using the print icon) out the list and bring to the library. Call # information and location of item will be listed. Please note, due to manual check-out procedure, the availability of the items will not be shown.
  2. Request the library staff pull a list of materials for you to pick up. Select the items and add them to the Book Bin and then choose email using the email icon. This will bring  up a form for you to fill out. From: insert your email. To: info@oursaviours.com. Message: Ask that these items be pulled and added to a hold shelf. Please include a name and phone number at which you can be reached. Items that are available will be pulled for you, and you will be notified when you may pick them up.

Returning Items:

  • Books that are being returned to the church are to be deposited in the return bin.
  • Do not reshelve books after you have removed them. Place them in the return bin inside the library.
  • Once you are ready to check out, place the checkout card in the box provided and check out the book with the library volunteer.