slovakia ministry

To make a donation to Slovakia Ministry, please visit

A group from OSLC is planning a trip to Slovakia in early June or September to help celebrate the 25th anniversary of Holy Spirit Church in Nitra, Slovakia. If you are interested in going or in learning more, please reach out to Gail Jernberg or Don Swanson. Find our Nitra ministry history HERE.

On Sunday, Oct. 27 (Reformation Sunday), our friend Bohdan led a discussion of cultural and theological perspectives on the Reformation. Thank you to Bohdan for the fantastic conversation!

Thank you to all who attended our 2024 Slovakia Dinner in April! Your participation supports teacher development at the Center for Christian Education in Martin, Slovakia.

The latest from Martin: Find CCE's summer 2024 report below.

"Diving is a great metaphor for our relationship with God. Often in our lives we are like swimmers who stay only on the surface, swim back and forth and never explore the depths of the water that carries us. We never dive holding our breath in astonishment about the profundity of God and his creation. However, once we find the courage to do so, a new world opens for us – a world filled with the power and love of the Creator. It is like when Jesus ordered Peter to put his boat out “into deep water” after all night of hard work during which Peter and his coworkers had caught nothing (Luke 5:4). Only in deep water and on Jesus’ command were they able to catch so many fish that their nets were breaking. Similarly, when we dive into a relationship with God, we can fully experience his power and miracles.  

"The depth of God’s love has no limits and can embrace all our problems and troubles.

We are sure that 50 Ukrainian families in the war zone could experience at least a portion

of this love when they received a Box of Blessing prepared in the CCE this summer.

Every box contains groceries and hygiene items to sustain a family for a month. Also,

the reconstruction of nine classrooms is successfully on its way. We appeal for your

generosity and support to continue this project so we can start using them in September


Dear friends and partners, God’s love is immense. We highly recommend diving in it

every day, just like we at the CCE did this summer of 2024. We loved it and cannot wait to

experience it with you again next summer."

If you are interested in finding out more about Slovakia or joining our ministry team, please reach out to Don Swanson at or Gail Jernberg at