We'll be collecting donations of nonperishable items for Loaves & Fishes at the Love, Justice & Joy event on Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day! See you at the Our Saviour's Campus at 9 a.m. Jan. 20!
Loaves and Fishes is a benevolent partner of Our Saviour’s Church and a wonderful opportunity for members to volunteers, donate, and support a local food pantry.
Loaves & Fishes has served our community since 1984. The vision of Loaves & Fishes is to end hunger and transform lives in Naperville and DuPage County. Its mission is to provide food and leadership in the community by uniting and mobilizing resources to empower people to be self-sufficient.
Community, compassion, dignity, hope, and service are the core values of Loaves & Fishes, and are incorporated into all aspects of the organization. Client-families have access to healthy food options, as well as resources designed to encourage them toward independence. Services include car donation, computer training, English language education, emergency financial assistance, job-search assistance, financial literacy assistance, public-benefits assistance, computer training and more.
Our Saviour’s Church is one of the cornerstone partners of Loaves & Fishes and has provided support for many years in the form of volunteers, financial donations, Packs4Kids Summer Nutrition, paper drives, and cleaning product drives, Volunteer opportunities typically include help in donating and collecting products during OSLC drives, and assisting at the Loaves & Fishes facility with distribution, sorting, stocking, food recovery, home delivery, and CARES services.
Interested in getting involved with the Loaves & Fishes Mission with Our Saviour's Church? Click here.
Click here for info on Loaves & Fishes' FY2024 impact!