News & Events

All you need to know about all that's happening at Our Saviour's!  

CLICK HERE for the January issue of SHINE, our stories-focused monthly newsletter.

CLICK HERE to read the latest issue of Connections, our events-focused weekly newsletter (published Friday mornings). Subscribe to Connections.

CLICK HERE for Our Saviour's events calendar.

    oslc in action

    Our Saviour's offers a vibrant array of mission and ministry opportunities for those of all ages. Check out what some of our groups have been up to lately!

    • get your tickets for saturday's sweetheart dance

      Grab your dancing shoes! The annual Sweetheart Dance, benefiting Mozambique Mission, will take place Saturday, Feb. 8, from 6-8 p.m. in the gym at Celebration Campus. Dads, daughters, moms, sons, grandparents, grandkids--all are welcome! Get your tickets HERE. Walk-in registration also available.

    • dialogues in faith: learn more about caring for creation

      Join Dialogues in Faith Feb. 9 and 16 to learn more about OSLC's Caring for Creation team, which seeks to help us make more environmentally friendly choices. This Sunday, hear about ecoAmerica and how faith-based communities can act to combat climate change. Meet at 10:15 a.m. in the Advent Room.

    • sign up to volunteer at feed the need, happening march 8-9!

      Feed the Need, the annual mobile-pack volunteer event for Feed My Starving Children, returns this year to Benedictine University in Lisle. Sign up for a two-hour volunteer shift the weekend of March 8-9 and help us meet Feed the Need's goal of packing more than 800,000 meals! Everyone ages 5+ is welcome.

      Sign up for your choice of shift below; FMSC account required for registration.

      Saturday, March 8, 9:00-11:00A

      Saturday, March 8, 12:00-2:00P

      Saturday, March 8, 3:00-5:00P

      Saturday, March 8, 6:00-8:00P

      Sunday, March 9, 10:00A-12:00P

      Sunday March 9, 1:30-3:30P

    • Get your tickets FOR MOZAMBIQUE DINNER, happening Feb. 22!

      Mozambique Mission's Food Safari & Drum Experience Dinner takes place Saturday, Feb. 22! This year, hear from special guests Newton and Gertrude Matienga, pastor/principal and teacher at the AKA Power School in Chimoio, Mozambique. Details and tickets HERE.

    • help us welcome newtan & gertrude matienga from mozambique!

      OSLC will host special hospitality events Feb. 22-23 in honor of Newtan and Gertrude Matienga, our guests from Mozambique Mission's partner school in Chimoio, Mozambique. On Saturday, Feb. 22, attend a meet-and-greet with Newtan and Gertrude at 4:30 p.m., before 5 p.m. worship (and before the Food Safari & Drum Experience Dinner at 6 p.m.!). On Sunday, Feb. 23, meet-and-greets will take place at 8:30 a.m. at the Our Saviour's Campus and at 11 a.m. at Celebration Campus. Then, all are invited to a Lutheran potluck at 12 p.m. in Fellowship Center!

    • blood drive feb. 18

      Save the date for our next blood drive with Versiti, happening Tuesday, Feb. 18, from 12-5 p.m. in Fellowship Center. Every donation can save up to three lives! Registration coming soon. Share love by sharing life this February!

    • active seniors lunch at tasty biscuit feb. 26

      The Active Seniors lunch group will gather for lunch on Wednesday, Feb. 26, at 11:30 a.m. at Tasty Biscuit, 1112 E. Ogden Ave in Naperville. Please RSVP to Lu Koerper at by Feb. 24 to reserve your seat!

    • next round of friendship tables launches march 12!

      Friendship Tables are an opportunity to deepen relationships within the OSLC community while breaking bread together. Participants, who are assigned to a group of 6-8 fellow congregation members, commit to gathering for coffee or a meal four times - the first time as a large group at a Friendship Tables kickoff on March 12 and the next three times over subsequent weeks/months as schedules allow.

      Groups will receive a discussion guide for each meeting written by the pastoral team. Step up to the table ~ sign up to participate HERE

    • dig into the inclusive bible

      OSLC's pastoral team and Dialogues in Faith will present three opportunities to dig into Scripture using the Inclusive Bible translation! Workshops will take place Feb. 1, March 1 and April 5 in Fellowship Center from 9-11 a.m. Coffee and a light breakfast will be served.

      Workshop schedule:

      February 1 - Inclusive Bible Workshop (Inclusive Bibles will be available for a $25 donation)

      March 1 - Understanding Acts and Christian Community Using the Inclusive Bible

      April 5 - Having a Healthy Relationship with Your Bible  

    • the well book discussion: "Dancing in the darkness"

      Starting Jan. 15, join The Well for a weekly exploration of “Dancing in the Darkness: Spiritual Lessons for Thriving in Turbulent Times” by Rev. Dr. Otis Moss. Drawing on the teachings of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Howard Thurman and Jesus, the book offers ways to practice spiritual resistance by linking love and justice. Curious or anxious about the new year unfolding in your faith and in the world? Join this meaningful weekly discussion! Meet at 6:30 p.m. in Room 104 (new time/location for 2025!) at Celebration Campus.