dialogues in faith: why does the church matter today?
Dialogues in Faith will explore the question, "Does the church matter in today's world?" in a discussion series from Jan. 12-March 1. Meet Sundays at 10:15 a.m. in the Advent Room.
Jan. 12: Introduction Session: Why Does the Church Matter?
Jan. 19: How Can the Church Reclaim and Reframe Her Calling?
Jan. 26: RIC at OSLC
Saturday, Feb. 1: Introduction to the Inclusive Bible. Join the pastors and DIF in Fellowship Center from 9-11 a.m. to engage with the Inclusive Bible.
Feb. 9: Caring for Creation
Feb. 16: Caring for Creation
Feb. 23: Reflections on "Sacred Conversations: Art from the Global Church." Join us in the OSLC art gallery to discuss art from Pastor Brian's collection.
Saturday, March 1: The Book of Acts and Early Christian Community. We will meet from 9-11 a.m. in Fellowship Center to do a deep dive into the Acts of the Apostles and how we are to live in community.