Dialogues in faith

Dialogues in Faith is a discussion-based group open to everyone who’s ever found themselves with a question to ask or a comment to share. Dialogues in Faith has the goal of cultivating rich, diverse faith conversations in a safe, welcoming environment.  

DIF Lenten conversations: What will your Lenten preparation look like? How will it change you? Join Dialogues in Faith March 9 and 16 at 10:15 a.m. in the Advent Room for a Lenten conversation about the intersection of salvation, solidarity with those on the margins and holy hopelessness. an we be saved when our immigrant neighbors are allowed to die at our borders? Is salvation an individual endeavor? How can hopelessness in the face of this be a good thing? These are vital conversations in doing the work of the Gospel and as we continue to reconcile in Christ as a faith community. 

OSLC's pastoral team and Dialogues in Faith will present an opportunity to dig into Scripture using the Inclusive Bible translation! The next Inclusive Bible Workshop will take place April 5 in Fellowship Center from 9-11 a.m. Coffee and a light breakfast will be served.