Be part of the new Care for Creation team! This open group welcomes all who are energized about caring for all of God's creation.
There are opportunities everywhere we look to make choices that are better for the planet—to opt for reusable shopping bags, for example, or to walk rather than drive for short-distance trips; layer up and lower the thermostat a bit; and choose products made from recycled materials or renewable resources.
But do you know what Caring for Creation looks like in OSLC buildings? Caring for Creation sat down with Our Saviour’s facilities manager Greg Nasman to get the scoop—here are just some of the ways in which Our Saviour’s is working to be a better steward of the environment:
We no longer use sprinklers for grass at either campus.
Celebration Campus uses child-safe lawn-growth products.
Winter salt is a habitat-friendly product.
Some LED lights have been installed: in Luther Court, in classrooms at the Our Saviour’s Campus and downstairs at the Our Saviour’s Campus
Maintenance workers replace bulbs with LED lights when possible
The Our Saviour’s Radiant Team conducts a monthly outdoor litter pickup with a focus on the hospital/north side of the Our Saviour’s Campus
Lights in some areas (bathrooms) go on and off automatically
The last individuals in our buildings each day are tasked with turning out lights.
Caring for Creation and Our Saviour’s teams also have identified several potential opportunities to expand on our facilities’ environmental stewardship. These include:
Identifying cost-effective opportunities to install additional LED lights
Exploring how our facilities can improve recycling processes
Determining ways to meaningfully reduce paper waste
Investigating the feasibility of installing additional lights that turn off automatically when an area is not in use.
Questions? Please contact Vicar Emily at or Susan Hanford at