Just Love

Be part of Just Love in 2025! Just Love is rooted in Christ’s Love for all people. This Our Saviour's group seeks to continue Christ's ministry of just loving people as he walked with communities that felt marginalized and made sure that individuals knew they were named, loved, and called. Everyone is welcome to be part of Just Love's work. 

Currently, Just Love is working through Our Saviour's RIC in Action team on incorporating more gender-inclusive music into worship, planning ways to add the Reconciling in Christ logo to our buildings so that all who enter our doors know that Our Saviour's is a welcoming church, and planning for RIC Sunday 2025 (happening Jan. 26, with the theme of "Resilient Community").

Reconciling in Christ Weekend

The weekend of Jan. 25-26, we will mark Reconciling in Christ Sunday at all worship services. RIC Sunday, observed the last Sunday in January, offers the opportunity for RIC churches to honor and celebrate the ongoing work of welcome, inclusion, celebration and advocacy for LGBTQIA+ people in the life of the church.

RIC Weekend activities:

Jan. 25-26: RIC Weekend observed in all services. Theme: “Resilient Community.”

Jan. 25: RIC in Action event after 5 p.m. worship: “Welcoming Is Who We’ve Always Been.” 6 p.m., Luther Court, hors d’oeuvres & beverages served.

Jan. 26: Hospitality hosted by the RIC in Action team after worship at the OS Campus and Celebration. OSLC yard signs available.

Feb. 1: Breakfast and "Journey Through the Inclusive Bible." Learn about & get your copy of the Inclusive Bible! ($25 donation requested.) 9-11 a.m., Fellowship Center.

See Our Saviour's Welcome Statement.

As Just Love continues its work, we will continue to update the congregation. If you would like to hear more or join us in this work, please feel free to email us at JustLove@oursaviours.com.


What is RIC? Reconciling in Christ (RIC), established in 1983 by St. Paul, Minnesota-based ReconcilingWorks, is a program through which Lutheran faith communities can publicly commit to welcoming people of all sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expressions and to working for racial equity. More than 1,000 faith communities, including the Metropolitan Chicago Synod of the ELCA, are designated as RIC partners.

If you would like to contribute to ReconcilingWorks in support of the organization's work to assist other Lutheran churches in their RIC journey, please consider making a secure online donation through Realm HERE.